Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear Sunday

Yes, this is a complaint. If you don't want to read a rage-post, stop reading right here.

Since you've continued reading, I would like to point out what a giant a-hole today has been. The C word with a T at the end and UN in the middle would quite perfectly fit today's description. Let's tally up the wonderful "joys" today has brought:
- Multiple systems down at work. This resulted in angry and impatient customers, who can't seem to get into that moronic head of theirs that IT WAS NOT THE CASHIERS' FAULT!
- Felt like shit for most of the day. My frakking gums were hurting like a mother frakker, plus I had coughing sessions due to some fluke allergies. (Of course, I would only feel like hacking my lungs out when I had customers at the register.)
- I still can't chew. Really? I mean come on!!! It's only been six days since the extraction of my teeth!!!
- I came home hoping to get some things done in WoW, but alas, Dehydration, the most idiotic achievement is either not working properly, or I am just a moron, in which case I should probably stop trying. Can I at least have a mount drop? ... Why did I ask? I mean when is the RNG on my side?
- I also find out that several people are sick, getting sick or are under the weather... Great... It seems like it's contagious, because I feel like crap myself (see above).

I wasn't going to let this pathetic day affect me, but it seems to have won. Dear Sunday, I would respectfully like to ask that you go frak yourself, and leave me and my peeps alone!


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