Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear Sunday

Yes, this is a complaint. If you don't want to read a rage-post, stop reading right here.

Since you've continued reading, I would like to point out what a giant a-hole today has been. The C word with a T at the end and UN in the middle would quite perfectly fit today's description. Let's tally up the wonderful "joys" today has brought:
- Multiple systems down at work. This resulted in angry and impatient customers, who can't seem to get into that moronic head of theirs that IT WAS NOT THE CASHIERS' FAULT!
- Felt like shit for most of the day. My frakking gums were hurting like a mother frakker, plus I had coughing sessions due to some fluke allergies. (Of course, I would only feel like hacking my lungs out when I had customers at the register.)
- I still can't chew. Really? I mean come on!!! It's only been six days since the extraction of my teeth!!!
- I came home hoping to get some things done in WoW, but alas, Dehydration, the most idiotic achievement is either not working properly, or I am just a moron, in which case I should probably stop trying. Can I at least have a mount drop? ... Why did I ask? I mean when is the RNG on my side?
- I also find out that several people are sick, getting sick or are under the weather... Great... It seems like it's contagious, because I feel like crap myself (see above).

I wasn't going to let this pathetic day affect me, but it seems to have won. Dear Sunday, I would respectfully like to ask that you go frak yourself, and leave me and my peeps alone!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Make a woman's day on Mother's Day.

I haven't written a blog in a long time, but I feel that a situation with a friend warrants this. I don't want to say names, because I want to keep her privacy, and she has shared the information with people she felt comfortable sharing with. This woman is absolutely amazing. She has a husband, a step-son, a full-time job, lots of really cool hobbies, an adorable dog and most importantly, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Unfortunately, her smile has faded due to grief and sorrow. With Mother's day approaching, she doesn't feel appreciated although she should be, and this enrages me to no end!

Here is the definition of the word "mother":
moth·er 1 
a. A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child.
b. A female person whose egg unites with a sperm, resulting in the conception of a child.
c. A woman who adopts a child.
d. A woman who raises a child.

I would like to ask all of you to take a minute and show your gratitude to all women in your life that fall under the above mentioned categories. It only takes one moment, but this moment can make someone's day. My wish is that on Mother's day, my friend can grace the world with her heartfelt, beautiful smile.